Barrels are a great way to shop and ship multiple small items and supplies. You can ship it by the ocean or air freight and C&V Shipping can deliver to your local address almost anywhere in Guyana.
How can you ship a barrel?
1 Make an import service request
You can request this import service by filling out this form and one of our representatives will be in touch soon. Not comfortable with electronic forms? You can call or WhatApp us.
2 Select a payment option
You can choose whether to pay the shipping costs at origin (where it is being shipped from) or have it settled right here in Guyana by cheque, online transfer or directly to the bank. All you need to do is confirm your freight payment terms with our representative.
3 Get updates anytime you want them
Contact us for an update on your shipment.
4 Your barrel has touched down!
Your barrel is here! Our representatives will get in touch with the great news and depending on your preference we will coordinate pick-up at our office, or we can deliver to you or your recipient.
Where can you ship from?
You can ship from almost anywhere in the world. Our representatives will coordinate your shipments to Guyana from Trinidad & Tobago, the US (New York, Washington, and Miami), Europe and the Far East (China, India, or Japan).
Things to remember
- US laws require an SED (customs declaration form) if the value of the cargo exceeds US$2500.
- Each shipping line and port will have its unique list of hazardous materials. Some lines will allow shipping of these materials with proper filing and documentation while others will require a hazmat fee. Our representatives will support you in dealing with this matter if necessary.
How long does shipping take?
The length of time it takes for your shipment to get here depends on whether you are using air or ocean freight, its origin, and other external factors (which we don’t control) like weather and emergencies. In favourable situations, ocean freight from the North can take 3-4 weeks or from the Far East (China, India, or Japan) can take about 6 weeks. Currently, air freight is facilitated by two weekly flights on Mondays and Thursdays from Miami. For more information, check out our shipping questions and answers.
How much does shipping cost?
The shipping cost for your barrel(s) will depend on the size and origin. Please contact us directly for more details on shipping costs.